What is the Best Keyword Tool for SEO 

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If you are looking for What is the Best Keyword Tool for SEO you probably are thinking about creating a blog or website? Or you already have one started and you’re looking to improve your traffic and Google Rankings. Let’s explain what Keyword and SEO is first, How it works and Why you need it. If you are new to the online business world, you may have heard the terms Keyword and SEO.  They go hand and hand with each other. What are Keywords in Search Engines? A Keyword is simply a word or phrases that people enter into search engines to find what they are looking for. what are keywords in search engines What does SEO mean? SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”.  In very plain terms, it means you want to make your content the better than your competitors.  Optimize what people are searching for in Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other Search Engine the MOST. Let’s break it down even more Search – means try to find something, seeking for something Engine – (NO, not the one in your car) it’s Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other Search Engine website Optimization – the act of making the best of something When you use an SEO Keyword Tools and write informative and interesting content Google, Bing and Yahoo will rank your post and pages first.

How it works

How do Search Engines rank websites? Search Engines scan your content determining what topic your post/page covers and how user-friendly it is. After it determines your product or service it will rank based on the several factors. One of the ways is through Keywords used in the Search Engine. If your post/page contains the same word or phrase that someone typed into search engines your website will get ranked.  But it will get ranked according to traffic, quality content and competitors. Top Search Engines rank the most authoritative pages/posts on the first couple result pages. Ideally, you would want to rank on the first page of the results. The reason why is because most people don’t click beyond the first 3 pages when their searching for something. We live in a world that people want answers fast and don’t want to spend a lot of time looking for them.

Keyword tools are like metal detectors they search out the gold on the internet. 

  how to search for keyword Be sure to not get caught up in making your blog or website overloaded with SEO Keywords. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are very tech savvy and will not rank content that doesn’t make sense. Remember to write naturally you are writing for a human being, not a computer. Provide the information people are searching for. Now that we covered what is SEO and Keywords let talk about the Best Keyword Tool for SEO?  

Why you need SEO Keyword Tools

The reasons why you need an SEO Keyword Tool?
  • To know what people are searching for
  • What keywords or phrases are competitive
  • How many times a keyword or phrase is searched
  • How much potential traffic you can drive to your website/blog
SEO Tools should be used for every page and post you create if you want to have a successful website or blog.  Without an SEO tool, you might as well be looking for a penny in the ocean.  free seo keyword tool    

Keyword Tool for SEO

When looking for a Keyword Tool for SEO you want a tool that uses the information from top search engines. I believe Jaaxy is one of the Best Keyword Tools for SEO.  I have tried many Keyword Tools for SEO, but the one that I keep going back to is Jaaxy.  I found that Jaaxy had everything I needed to find the best keywords for my niche. Keywords are essential when it comes to building websites or blog, they are what creates traffic.  If you use the proper keywords in your articles you will create traffic.  In this case, traffic is a good thing. What is the Best Keyword Tool for SEO     

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Jaaxy provides easy to use and understand data to find Keywords

Keyword Tool Suggestion   Here are the Keyword Ranking Terms you will find using Jaaxy
  • Avg = Is the Average number of searches a Keyword receives in a month. This includes Google, Bing, and Yahoo combined.
  • Traffic = The estimated visits your website could possibly get if it’s ranked on the first page of Google
  • QSR (Quoted Search Results) = Number of websites that are trying to rank for the same Keyword.  It’s your competition so the lower the number the better.
  • KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator) = Indicate if the keyword is worth using with a simple Red is Poor, Yellow is OK, Green is Good
  • SEO = The score is based on traffic and competition using the same Keyword.  Scoring system is from 0 to 100, zero being the likelihood of you landing the first page of any search engine.  The higher the number like 95 the better chance you have of getting noticed.
  • Domains = If the keyword is available as a domain name for a website. Either, com, .org, .net etc.
When looking for a keyword for an article I am looking for keywords that get searched the most but have the least amount of competition.  Less competition will lead to more traffic which is what you are looking for. When it comes to an online business you need the best Keywords to increase your traffic.  When you increase your traffic, you increase your opportunities for sales. Jaaxy also suggests keywords that are similar or close to the keyword you are looking up, it’s called dig deep.  

 Other Tools Jaaxy Offers

Jaaxy not only offers great keyword searches from the best search engines it also has several other tools. Features available within Jaaxy:
  • Save Keyword Lists
    • When you find several keywords for your article you don’t have to write them down.  Jaaxy enables you to create a list that you can keep and export to a CVS or TXT file to print.  This is a wonderful time saver because it’s just a click of the mouse to save keywords for later.
  • Alphabet Soup Technique
    • If you never heard of the Alphabet Soup Technique this is an awesome way to find keyword for an article.  This is a technique that you can use in any search engine but with Jaaxy they do all the work for you.  You type in a keyword and go through the alphabet and see what Google comes up with to go with the keyword.
  • Site Rank
    • Check and see where your site is ranking and how your competition is doing.
  • Search History
    • It keeps track of the keywords you already searched so you don’t waste time searching them again.
  • Search Analysis
    • Enter a Keyword and see what pages and posts are listed as the top 10 in Google, Bing, and Yahoo.  See what your competitor are writing about and the details of their post/page.
    • How many words are on their post/page
    • How many links are on their site
    • The number of backlinks to their website
    • Meta description and meta keywords
    • Google Page Rank
    • If there are Adsense on their post/page
  • Brainstorm
    • Avoid writer’s block with the Brainstorm feature in Jaaxy. It picks the current trends in Google Trends, Alexa Topics, Amazon Best Sellers, and Twitter Trends. With this kind of information, you can start researching your next article quickly.
Jaaxy was created by Affiliate Marketers FOR Affiliate Marketers.  Who knows what Affiliate Marketers need than the people who are using Affiliate Marketing. Jaaxy’s data is pulled directly from the Google, Bing, and Yahoo the leaders in search engines.  So, it has the latest information about what words are being searched. There are over a billion keywords and new keywords are searched every day within Google alone.  Having this kind of help Jaaxy will save you hours a day researching keywords and recommending others you may not have thought of. free seo keyword tool

How Much Does Jaaxy Cost

Try 30 FREE Keyword searches using Jaaxy – Test it out for yourself! Right here right now!
Jaaxy has 3 memberships that will fit your budget.

Jaaxy Starter Trial – FREE

  • Keyword List Manager
  • Website Analyzer
  • 20 Search Results
  • 30 Keyword Searches
  • Affiliate Program Finder
  • Brian Storm Idea Feed
  • 30 SiteRank Analysis Scan
  • Keyword Competition Data

Jaaxy Pro – $49 a month/$1.63 a day

  • Everything from the Starter Trial PLUS
  • Search Analysis
  • Manual Domain Search
  • Unlimited Search History
  • Sortable Search Results
  • Alphabet Soup Technique

Jaaxy Enterprise – $99 a month

  • Everything included with the Starter and Pro PLUS
  • Automated QSR
  • 35 Search Results
  • Unlimited Keyword Lists
  • Automated Domain Search
  • 5x Speed
  • 10k SiteRank Analysis Scans

Only for Wealthy Affiliate Members

Jaaxy Lite –  FREE

There is only one way to get the Jaaxy Lite which includes Jaaxy Starter and limited benefits of Jaaxy Pro.  Only Wealthy Affiliate Members are eligible to use to Jaaxy Lite which is included in the amazing Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership. Wealthy Affiliate is an Awesome place to learn about Affiliate Marketing and so much more. Take a look inside Wealthy Affiliate when you check out our article What’s Inside WA. keyword tool generator

10 Top Search Engines

Here is a list of 10 Top Search Engines if you rank on the first page of any one of these search engines you are doing great. 1.    Google 2.    Bing 3.    Yahoo 4.    ASK.com 5.    AOL.com 6.    Info.com 7.    DuckDuckGo 8.    Dogpile Search 9.    Yandex 10.  InboxDollars It’s that simple! Warm Wishes Ann        

4 Replies to “What is the Best Keyword Tool for SEO ”

  1. Keywords and SEO are two things I struggled at first but I came a long way by practicing. I have Yoast SEO installed on my website and it’s giving me instant feedback. However, I have to admit that Jaaxy made it a lot easier for me to look for the best keywords for my articles. Not only that, but also it tells me where my article ranked on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Great tool. Thanks for the great and informative article.

    1. I also had some struggles with SEO and Keywords starting out with my own business.  But after signing up for Jaxxy it has really helped me a lot.  Jaxxy is one of the best SEO Keyword Tools out there and so simple to use.  The Alphabet Soup feature they offer savings me a ton of time, which gives me more time to create.  

      Any blogger or affiliate marketer should use some kind of SEO Keyword Tool to give their content a fighting chance.  

      Thanks much


  2. Keyword tools is a saturated market. Everyone tries to lower the price which in place will have limiting features. That how average keyword tools are weed out by good keyword tools. As I am also a user of Jaaxy I personally found many benefits of using.

    Techniques like alphabet soup are instant. The platform is easy to use special care was taken simply by making the UX better. Everything is displayed in one simple yet effective way.

    Soft colours are used which I really appreciate as my eyes hurt when there are too many colours. I don’t know for others but it is like this for me.

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