Money is the root of all evil in the world. We need it to survive and have to figure out how to earn and save it at the same time. By having Better Money Habits you can really change your life. There are so many books on the market about “How to Make Money” or “Ways to Earn Money” even “How to Make Money Online”.
Everyone knows how to make money but how do we keep it. We need to Learn Better Money Habits.
I work paycheck to paycheck and feel like I just can’t get ahead.
There are always surprises that happen in life, like my refrigerator breaks and I needed to buy a new one.
Then I had some car problems it just seemed like things just never end. I didn’t have enough money to get my car fixed so I had to put it on a credit card. Which I really don’t like using because interest rates are so high.
These are real-life problems that happen to everyone sometime or another. I needed to learn better money habits so I didn’t have to worry when something unexpected happens. Because I would have money saved for unexpected things in life.
I have found 4 fantastic books that have taught me Better Money Habits to plan for life’s unexpected problems.
Best Books on Saving Money

Transform your relationship with money using this 9-step program. Learn how to achieve financial independence you have been looking for in your life. You may like your job but no job is perfect so do you like it or tolerate it? Your Money or Your Life will show you a way to approach life that when your asked “Your Money or Your Life” you can say, “I’ll take both, Thank you.”
Your Money or Your Life outlines different ways to look at the money that you earn.
The first lines in the books read as followed:

I work so hard in life for money and forget to enjoy life itself. Our jobs are taking over our lives and this book goes over ways you can change your job dependence.
Jobs are not the only way to have money, health insurance, and respect. Your Money or Your Life provides a different perspective on employment and opens up far wider possibilities for income.
Changing your money habits will change your life. “Your Money or Your Life” is considered the go-to book for over 25 years for financial freedom. Some of the things that are covered in this book:
- How to get rid of credit card debt
- How to start saving
- Learn how to think outside the normal box
- Increase the amount of “free time” you have
- Getting out of the Money Trap
Your Money or Your Life was originally published in 1993 but since has been revised and updated. The fully revised updated edition with a foreword by “Frugal Guru” Mr. Money Mustache in 2018 is the ultimate makeover of this Bestseller.
“Your Money or Your Life” is a must-read at any age. If you are just starting out in the working force or have been working for years you will learn a lot with this book. Read the first 15 pages for free and tell us what you think.
Here’s what readers are saying about “Your Money or Your Life”
“This is a wonderful book. It can really change your life.” –Oprah
“The seminal guide to the new morality of personal money management.” –Los Angeles Times
Amazon Readers are rating this book a 4.2 Stars.
“Great book for transforming your relationship to money” “Reading this book is a life changing experience” “Awesome book for those of us looking to reach financial independence”

2) 101 Habits for Highly Successful Living Worth Rating: $$$$ Pages: 129 Pages Price: Amazon (varies depending on format) Author: Greg Parry
101 Habits for High Successful Living is a great reference guide to changing your life’s habits. It starts with the very basic things that everyone seems to forget to do.
To be Peace and Calm and get rid of the habit of being stressed out. We are all making stress a daily habit in our life that needs to be changed. We are worrying about things that we can’t control or haven’t even happened in life yet.
Stress can hurt your life in so many ways and we don’t even realize it. We need to change the bad habit of Stress with a good one of Calm.
101 Habits for High Successful Living Chapters include:
- Real Energy
- Dreams
- Positive Influences
- Rest n’ Recover
- Focus
The very last habit in this book is Visualising the Brightest Possible Future which I think is the best. If you can start visualizing your Positive Future then you will make it happen. You will start changing habits and make new habits.
This is a full mind and body transformations of the way you think and feel. It all starts with what you change on a daily basis, your Habits.
Here is the first line in the book:

Amazon Readers are rating this book a 4.3 Stars.
“The ultimate guide to personally transforming your life” “Great Ideas for Living Successful” “Habits are the difference between success and failure”
3) Make Money, Live Wealthy
Worth Rating: $$$$
Pages: 206 Pages
Price: Amazon (varies depending on format)
Authors: Austin Netzley
In Make Money Live Wealthy 75 Successful Entrepreneurs come together to share 10 Simple Steps on how they achieved true wealth for themselves. Some of the 75 Entrepreneurs include Ann Wilson, JV Crum, III, and Erlend Bakke, to see the full list click here.
They all agreed on one thing, they wanted Financial Freedom! They accomplished their Financial Freedom through different Passive Income ventures. Do you want to have Financial Freedom?
Ask yourself these 5 questions TODAY?- What are some of your big dream goals you’d like to achieve in your life?
- In 5-years, what would you like to have accomplished?
- In 12-months, what will your life be like?
- What is one thing you will change your life in the next 6-months?
- What is the one thing you need to do this month to get you toward your 6-month goals?

As successful entrepreneur David Wood says, “Wealth is a choice.“ The choice is yours to make.
Amazon Readers are rating this book a 4.5 Stars
“Super inspiring and powerful read” “Interested in the wealthy mindset, Must Read Book” “This book is full of amazing advice on how to make money”

The Automatic Millionaire is a step by step guide on how to stop living paycheck to paycheck. It will teach you how you can cut the cost of everyday expenses. You can learn how to keep more of your paycheck for yourself and not debt collectors.
David Bach says “Pay yourself first”. David will tell you like it is in plain simple words. He has written eleven books so far about how to “Finish Rich“. Here are a few “Start Late Finish Rich”, “Smart Women Finish Rich” and “Smart Couple Finish Rich” check them out on Amazon. They are all great books and great lessons.
The Automatic Millionaire Chapters include:
- Learn to Pay Yourself First
- Automatic for Rainy Day
- Now Make it Automatic
- The Automatic Debt-Free Lifestyle
- Automatic Millionaire Blueprint
#1 New York Times bestseller with over 1.5 Million Copies Sold
Amazon Readers are rating this book a 4.4 Stars
“The Secret is in the Title” “Excellent book for young people” “Very well written and easy to follow along”
Final Verdict
You don’t feel stuck in your financial situation there are ways to acquire the Financial Freedom you are looking for. Remember every millionaire had to start at the beginning and had to make changes to their lives to become a millionaire and so will you. Believe you can achieve the freedom you are looking for. Anyone of these wonderful books will give you guidance to a better way of living.
There are ways to achieve Financial Freedom that you are looking for. You just have to be willing to make changes to your Daily Habits. Habits are very hard to change but they can be done.
Grab just one of these books and you will learn how to achieve the Financial Freedom you want.
Ask yourself this one question? “What is Wealth to YOU?” Money, Family, Freedom, Expensive items, Home the list can go on forever. Everyone’s idea of Wealthy is different but there is one thing the same about everyone. Our Habits! Are you willing to make today the day that you take a stand to your Financial Freedom? What is your Idea of Wealth? Comment below and let us know the answer.
My idea of wealth, first and foremost is health, followed by time and lastly, the money itself. But in order to achieve that, I actually need to sacrifice some health (i.e working tirelessly) and some time (i.e working on a second job) to create that financial net that I could fall ‘comfortably’ into.
It’s easier said than done and sometimes, I feel like I am a slave to money. But I am a big believer in working hard and working smart. I choose to struggle now, while I still can, so that I don’t have to live in misery in the later part of my life.
Hi Cathy,
We agree with you Health should be the first thing when you think of being Wealthy. Working Smarter not Harder is the right way to work. Every great business and goal in life has to start somewhere.
Online Business is one of the simplest businesses to start now a days. Ideas2bucks has several ways to Earn Money and Save Money.
Best of Luck
I’ve not read any of these books but they all look like they have some valuable lessons I could learn. So true, it’s our habits that are most of the time holding us back from living the life we truly want to live. The second book, ‘101 Habits for Highly Successful Living’ sounds especially interesting to me for creating daily positive habits that can eventually take me where I want to be.
Thanks for the recommendations.
Hi Zuzana,
Our habits can change our lives. These are very good books about changing your financial habits and how to achieve that. They also give you a different perspective on how to look at your life and money.
If you decide to get one of these books please come back and let us know what you thought of it.
Thank you,
Alex & Ann
I was looking for book reviews on books that would help me save more money and cut down any unnecessary expenses. This is a really informative post.
I think the books you mentioned here are a must read for anyone who is trying to save effectively without sacrificing their needs and requirements.
Hi Shrey,
These books have different money habits we can change in life and still do things that are important to us. It’s all about what are priorities are in life.
If you should purchase any of the books please come back and let us know what you really think of it.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Wow, there is bunch of good recommendation. I will buy one of those books and start reading. Want to see what they say. Seems something good to read 🙂
They are all great books to learn better money habits. Hope you enjoy whatever book you choose. Good luck with everything.